Feb 26, 2019 Division Meeting

University of California Academic Senate
Regular Meeting of the Riverside Division

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2019
Genomics Auditorium 1102A
1:10 PM

Printable Division Agenda


  1. Minutes
    1. Regular Meeting of December 4, 2018
  2. Announcements by the President
    • President Janet Napolitano is unable to attend
  3. Announcements by the Chancellor at Riverside
    • Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox will address the Division
  4. Announcements by Vice Chancellors
    • None
  5. Announcements by the Deans or other Executive Officers
    1. Secretary-Parliamentarian: Election Results
  6. Announcements by the Chair
  7. Special Orders
    1. Consent Calendar*
      1. None
    2. Annual Reports of the Faculties, received and placed on file
      1. Executive Committee - School of Medicine
    3. Degree reports, received and placed on file**
    4. Regular Reports of Standing Committees and Faculties, received and placed on file
      1. Committee on Courses - Course approvals
      2. Committee on Courses - Instructor approvals
      3. Committee on Courses - Courses not offered for four or more years
      4. Committee on University Extension - Course/Instructor approvals
      5. Executive Council - Campus Naming Committee
      6. Executive Council - Endorsement of Endowed Chairs
  8. Report of the Representative to the Assembly
    1. Assembly meeting, December 12, 2018
  9. Report of Special Committees
    1. None
  10. Reports of Standing Committees and Faculties
    1. Committee on Diversity and Equal Opportunity proposed changes to the Charge (Bylaw 8.6, 8.6.2, 8.6.3)
    2. Executive Committee of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences proposed transfer of and changes to the LGBIT Studies Minor Program
    3. Executive Council proposed department name changes
      1. Department of Earth Sciences
  11. Petitions of Students
    1. None
  12. Unfinished Business
    1. None
  13. University and Faculty Welfare
    1. UCR Healthy Campus Opportunities for Faculty
    2. Introducing the Underground Scholars Initiative Discussion
  14. New Business
    1. None
  15. February 20, 2019

    K. Esterling, Secretary-Parliamentarian
    Riverside Division of the Academic Senate

    *Approval of all items on the Consent Calendar requires a single unanimous vote called for as the first order of business under Special Orders. At the request of any member of the Division, any such item must be withdrawn and considered in its regular order on the agenda [bylaw 4.1.2].

    **Reports received and placed on file "are received as presented and require no further action" [bylaw 4.1.3]. Only the reporting committee can change or withdraw these reports; however, at the request of any member of the Division, a report will be moved into its regular order on the agenda (Item 10. Reports of Standing Committees and Faculties) where it may be discussed, and motions relating to the report may be offered.