The Faculty Research Lecturer, Distinguished Teaching Award, Distinguished Campus Service Award and the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research are presented annually by the Academic Senate.
Current Nomination - Deadline: 05/01/2025
The Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Award at the Riverside campus will be awarded beginning with the 2008-2009 academic year and annually thereafter, to one or more emeritus professors for teaching, research, or public service activities that are in accordance with the intent of the donor. The awardee(s) shall be known as the Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professor for the duration of the award.
From its inception well over half a century ago, the Faculty Research Lecturer Award has been the highest honor that the Academic Senate bestows. The recipient of the Faculty Research Lecturer award is an individual who has made a distinguished record in research to deliver a lecturer upon the topic of his selection.
The Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes exceptional effort and achievement in teaching by a professional faculty member. A maximum of two awards are selected annually by the Academic Senate Committee for Distinguished Teaching.
The Distinguished Campus Service Award recognizes exceptional effort and achievement in campus service by a UCR faculty member. Honorees are recognized for demonstrating sustained dedication sustained to the Academic Senate and/or temporay administrative posts.
The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement is given annually to two graduating seniors who have conducted outstanding research or creative work and two faculty members with a distinguished record of fostering undergraduate research or creative activity.
The Oliver Johnson Award for Distinguished Leadership in the Academic Senate is given out once every two years to a member of the UC faculty. The award is designed to honor a University of California faculty member who has demonstrated at the Divisional and the Systemwide Academic Senate level outstanding and creative contributions as evidenced by major impact on faculty governance, sustained excellence in serving the Academic Senate, and exceptional abilities in working with different university constituents effectively. Funded through a gift from the late Oliver Johnson, professor at UC Riverside, the award carries a small honorarium for the faculty member who receives it.
The Mid-Career Leadership Award in the Academic Senate is given out once every two years to a member of the UC faculty. The award is designed to honor a University of California faculty member at mid-career who has served the Academic Senate at the Divisional and Systemwide levels and demonstrated outstanding and creative contributions having a major impact on faculty governance, exceptional promise in serving the Academic Senate, and exceptional abilities in working across the university’s many and diverse stakeholders. The Fund is invested by the Chief Investment Officer of the Regents of the University of California, the award carries an honorarium for the faculty member who receives it.