Meetings (En 29 Nov. 2011)
Meetings may be called by the Chair of the Faculty or by the Executive Committee. At the written request of 25 percent of the voting members of the faculty, the Chair must call a meeting. The faculty meeting may be chaired by the Chair of the Faculty or by the Vice Chair. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)
A quorum consists of 67% of the members of the Faculty. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)
A motion to submit a measure to email or secret ballot has precedence over a motion for an open vote in a meeting. (En 29 Nov. 2011)
The Chair of the Faculty will send, prior to a faculty meeting called by the Chair of the Faculty or by the Executive Committee, copies of the call for the meeting and will make all pertinent documents available to each member of the Faculty. The Faculty shall not change curricular requirements of the School or vote on proposals to change these bylaws at the meetings at which such proposals for change are first made unless notice is previously given to all members of the Faculty in a call to the meeting. (En 29 Nov 11)(Am 21 May 24)
These bylaws constitute primary rules of order for meetings of the Faculty called by the Chair of the Faculty or by the Executive Committee. The order of business is that prescribed in Chapter 4 of the Bylaws of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate. Questions of order not covered by these bylaws or those of the Division are covered by Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)
The minutes of every meeting of the Faculty called by the Chair of the Faculty or by the Executive Committee shall be sent to every member of the Faculty within one week following the meeting. When personnel matters are part of a Faculty meeting, the minutes of that meeting must comply with confidentiality requirements regarding circulation of the minutes to Faculty members granted access for personnel matters. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)