Academic Senate Grants

The Academic Senate and its Committee on Research, administer three grant programs for UCR Faculty members and researchers.

The Committee on Research is made up of at least seven members of the Senate, and its responsible for reviewing applications from eligible faculty members for support from intramural research funds, research travel funds or other research monies. Learn more about the Committee on Research.

Funding Statistics: 22-23 Funding

All applications must be submitted via R'Senate: R'Senate Grants

Omnibus Grant - Research and Travel (RTA)

Academic Senate research funds can be used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Research and Travel Award (RTA) - Currently No Open Calls
  • Previous Recipients
  • Previous Calls

Regents' Faculty Fellowships (RFF)

Regents' Faculty Fellowships (RFF) afford selected junior faculty with an opportunity for educational enrichment through significant research, advanced or independent study, or improvement of teaching effectiveness.

Regents' Faculty Development (RFD)

Regents' Faculty Fellowships (RFD) are for deserving assistant professors who are approaching tenure to assist in their professional development.

Committee on Research (CoR)

Committee on Research (CoR) Grants assist faculty to develop new major research projects that can be funded extramurally. Recipients must submit an extramural grant application within two years of receiving a CoR award.