Program Review Overview

Graduate Program Reviews (GPR)

The purpose of Graduate Program Review is to promote excellence in graduate programs at UC Riverside. The review, conducted by the Graduate Council of the Academic Senate, is an opportunity for programs to evaluate past achievements, current status, and future directions related to graduate education.

Undergraduate Program Reviews (UPR)

By authority of the UC Academic Senate, Riverside Division By-law sections 8.12.2 and 8.12.5, the UCR Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) is responsible for review of undergraduate programs and shall conduct regular periodic reviews of said programs. The Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE) shall facilitate the reviews in partnership with the CEP, in a manner analogous to the relationship between the Dean of Graduate Division and the Graduate Council for the graduate program reviews.

Combined Program Reviews (CPR)

The Graduate Council (GC) and the Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) will conduct internal reviews of all combined undergraduate and graduate degree programs three years after the initiation of the program to evaluate the progress, and every 7-9 years thereafter. Every attempt will be made to schedule combined program reviews within three years of the last undergraduate and/or graduate review of the corresponding standalone program so that materials from the standalone review(s) can still be used. GC and CEP may mandate an off-cycle review after a problematic review or when circumstances are changing dramatically for a program.