Committees (En 29 Nov. 2011)
There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of at least two (2) faculty members and the Chair of the Faculty. The Dean of the School of Public Policy will serve as a non-voting ex officio member of this committee. The committee may also include advisory (non-voting) student representatives [as provided in Bylaw PP4.1.6] (En 29 Nov. 2011)(En 4 Dec 2018)(Am 21 May 24)
The faculty of the School of Public Policy will elect the two (2) representatives to the Executive Committee. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)
The term of office of members of the Executive Committee is three years. (En 29 Nov. 2011)
The election of Faculty members to the Executive Committee is as provided in chapter 7 of the Bylaws of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate. For purposes of these elections, members of the Executive Committee are considered officers of the Faculty of the School. Members of the Executive Committee take office on September first of the academic year following their election at a regular election or immediately upon completion of the ballot count at a special election. (En 29 Nov. 2011)
Whenever the Executive Committee determines that a vacancy exists in its membership, the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division of the Academic Senate conducts an election in accordance with the prescribed procedure provided the vacancy is to last more than six months. A vacancy shall be declared to exist and the committee member considered to have resigned if the member anticipates an absence from the committee of more than six months. Vacancies of six months or less are filled temporarily by appointment by the Chair of the Faculty with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. (En 29 Nov. 2011)
The Executive Committee has the following functions: ( En 29 Nov. 2011)
The Executive Committee has the power to bring before the Faculty any matter that the Committee deems advisable. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)
The Executive Committee acts finally for the Faculty (a) in the awarding of all degrees to students of the Division in all cases which do not involve the suspension of regulations or that involve only minor adjustments in the curricula and (b) in the awarding of honors at graduation. The Committee will report all degrees approved to the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)
The Executive Committee makes recommendations to the Faculty in the establishment, modification, and discontinuation of all divisional instructional programs and curricula. (En 29 Nov. 2011)
The Executive Committee acts for the Faculty in making recommendations to the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate regarding SPP instructional programs and courses. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(Am 21 May 24)