Meetings, Call and Minutes

Meetings, Call and Minutes (Am 24 May 2005)
Regular Meeting. Regular meetings of the Division are held at least once each term on a schedule to be announced at the beginning of each academic year by the Chair of the Division. (Am 24 May 2005)
Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Division may be called at any time during the academic year by the President of the Academic Senate or by the Chair of the Division. Upon written request of ten voting members, a special meeting must be called by the Chair of the Division or, in case of the Chair's absence or disability, by the Vice Chair. (Am 22 Oct 73) (Am 24 May 2005)
Emergency Meeting. An emergency meeting may be called by the Chair of the Division and two members of the Executive Council. The call to an emergency meeting must be communicated to the members of the Division at least two calendar days prior to the meeting and shall contain the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. Materials, if any, relevant to the purpose of the meeting must be distributed at least two hours prior to the meeting. In the event of the absence or disability of the Chair, the Vice Chair and two members of the Executive Council may act to call an emergency meeting. The order of business shall be that for a special meeting. Legislation cannot be enacted nor modified at an emergency meeting. (Am 23 Apr 74) (Am 24 May 2005)(Am 20 Nov 07)(Am 5 Mar 10)
Quorum. Thirty-five voting members of the Division constitute a quorum. (Am 30 Nov 78) (Am 24 May 2005)
Privilege. Meetings of the Division are open to all members of the Senate on the Riverside campus and to all Chairs of teaching and research departments in the colleges and schools of the Riverside campus, even though these Chairs may not be members of the Senate. Everyone listed in this bylaw as eligible to attend is likewise eligible to be granted the privilege of the floor and may make and second motions; however, only members of the Riverside Division, except for instructors of less than two years standing, may vote. Those not present may not vote by proxy. The Division may from time to time authorize attendance of other persons with or without eligibility for the privilege of the floor and with such other conditions as it may specify. (Am 24 May 2005)
Call for a Meeting. At least five calendar days before every regular and special meeting, the Secretary-Parliamentarian shall make available to every member of the Division and to the agencies specified in Academic Senate Bylaw 315(B) information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy of the call, agenda, and all documents pertaining to the agenda. (Am 10/22/73)(Am5/26/94)(Am 24 May 2005) (Am 5 Mar 10)
The call shall include the text of all resolutions, memorials, petitions, and proposed changes in Division legislation to be considered for final action at that meeting. The call shall include the text of any legislation proposed for amendment or repeal, the text of any proposed new or revised legislation, and a statement of the purpose of the proposal and its effects on existing legislation. The call for a special or emergency meeting shall contain a statement of the purpose of that meeting. (Am 10/22/73)(Am5/26/94) (Am 24 May 2005)
Minutes. Within thirty days after every meeting of the Division, the Secretary-Parliamentarian shall make available to every member of the Division and to the agencies specified in Academic Senate Bylaw 315(B) information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy of the minutes. (Am 10/22/73)(Am 5/26/94) (Am 24 May 2005)(Am 5 Mar 10)