
Call for a Meeting.

Call for a Meeting. At least five calendar days before every regular and special meeting, the Secretary-Parliamentarian shall make available to every member of the Division and to the agencies specified in Academic Senate Bylaw 315(B) information about how to obtain a full printed or electronic copy of the call, agenda, and all documents pertaining to the agenda. (Am 10/22/73)(Am5/26/94)(Am 24 May 2005) (Am 5 Mar 10)
The call shall include the text of all resolutions, memorials, petitions, and proposed changes in Division legislation to be considered for final action at that meeting. The call shall include the text of any legislation proposed for amendment or repeal, the text of any proposed new or revised legislation, and a statement of the purpose of the proposal and its effects on existing legislation. The call for a special or emergency meeting shall contain a statement of the purpose of that meeting. (Am 10/22/73)(Am5/26/94) (Am 24 May 2005)