Memorials, Resolutions, and Petitions

Memorials, Resolutions, and Petitions (Am 24 May 2005)
The term "Memorial to the Regents" designates a declaration or petition addressed to the President for transmission to the Regents. The term "Memorial to the President" designates a declaration or petition addressed to the President and not intended for transmission to the Regents. (Am 24 May 2005)
The Division may initiate memorials on matters of Universitywide concern to be submitted to the Regents through the President as prescribed in Senate Bylaw 90(B). The Division may submit Memorials to the President directly to the President with copies to the Assembly of the Academic Senate. A proposed Memorial to the President or a proposed Memorial to the Regents may be forwarded to the Assembly and other Divisions only after its consideration and adoption at a meeting of the Division. (Am 24 May 2005)
Final action on proposed memorials, resolutions, or petitions, or on proposed amendments or substitutions that have not been included in the written notice of meeting may be taken at the meeting at which they are proposed unless action is deferred in one of the following ways: (Am 24 May 2005)
By a majority vote, the proposal may be referred for consideration to an appropriate standing committee or subcommittee, or to a special committee, with or without instructions that the committee submit a written report at a designated regular or special meeting of the Division. Any such committee's report shall contain the text of the proposal and shall be included in the call for the meeting at which the report is to be presented for action. (Am 24 May 2005)
Notice may be given of intention to move the referral to a mail ballot. After opportunity for debate on the main motion, the motion to refer to mail ballot shall be put and if approved by a vote of twenty-five percent of the voting members present, shall be passed. (Am 24 May 2005)
On a vote of at least ten percent of the voting members present, the proposal will be put over to a special meeting or the next regular meeting of the Division, in which case the text of the proposal, and the amendments thereto or substitutes therefore, shall be included in the notice of the meeting. (Am 24 May 2005)