Committees (Am 21 Feb 2012)(Am 6 Dec 22)
Standing Committees: There shall be seven (7) standing committees of the School of Medicine: The Faculty Executive Committee, the Medical Education Committee, the Medical School Admissions Committee, the Medical School Progress and Promotions Committee, the Graduate Advisory Committee, the Clinical Faculty appointments committee, and the Volunteer Clinical Appointments Committee. Each Standing Committee may appoint such subcommittees as it deems necessary to conduct its business. Each committee and any subcommittee will develop a conflict of interest policy that will be discussed, amended if desired, voted upon each year, and submitted to the Faculty Executive Committee as a point of information. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
There shall be a Faculty Executive Committee consisting of at least eight (8) Academic Senate Faculty members and the Chair of the Faculty of the School of Medicine, who serves as Committee Chair with voting privileges. The Dean and the Senior Executive Dean of the School of Medicine will serve as non-voting, ex officio members of this committee. In addition to the members of the committee listed above, two representatives shall be elected by the non-Senate Faculty, and these representatives shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the Committee and to vote on issues that are outside the responsibilities of the Academic Senate. For issues within the responsibilities of the Academic Senate, non-Senate Faculty members are without the right to vote (as in Bylaw 1.2). These non-Senate elected representatives must hold at least half-time appointments in the Clinical Professor series of the School of Medicine. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
The faculty of the School of Medicine shall elect representatives - four Senate members from the Division of Biomedical Sciences and four Senate members from the Division of Clinical Sciences, to the Faculty Executive Committee. If there are not enough Senate faculty members available from either Division, unfilled positions will be filled by members elected from the other Division. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
The term of office of members of the Faculty Executive Committee is two years, and these members are eligible for reappointment. (Am 21 Feb 2012)
Election of the eight (8) Senate members of the Faculty Executive Committee is as provided in chapter 7 of the Bylaws of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate. For purposes of these elections, members of the Faculty Executive Committee are considered officers of the Faculty of the School. Members of the Faculty Executive Committee take office on September first of the academic year following their election at a regular election or immediately upon completion of the ballot count at a special election. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
Whenever the Faculty Executive Committee determines that a vacancy exists in its membership, the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate conducts an election in accordance with the prescribed procedure provided the vacancy is to last more than six months. A vacancy shall be declared to exist and the committee member considered to have resigned if she/he anticipates an absence from the committee of more than six months. Vacancies of six months or less are filled temporarily by appointment by the Chair of the Faculty with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
The Faculty Executive Committee has the following functions: (Am 21 Feb 2012)
The Faculty Executive Committee has oversight of the educational program, academic welfare, and discipline of students in the School. Additionally, it has the power to bring before the Faculty of the School of Medicine and before the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate any matters that the Committee deems advisable. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
The Faculty Executive Committee appoints and designates the Chairs of all other standing committees, and all special committees of the Faculty unless otherwise directed at a meeting of the Faculty. (Am 21 Feb 2012)
The Faculty Executive Committee acts finally for the Faculty to recommend the awarding of all degrees to students of the School in all cases which do not involve the suspension of regulations or that involve only minor adjustments in the curricula. The Committee is likewise empowered to act on petitions of students for graduation under suspension of the regulations. The Committee will report all degrees approved to the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 13 Oct 2016)
The Faculty Executive Committee delegates authority to the MEC for oversight, management, and governance of the medical education curriculum of the School of Medicine, and the MEC has final authority over the curriculum and medical education (Am 21 Feb 2012)(Am 23 May 2023)
The Faculty Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Faculty in making recommendations to the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate regarding course and program changes. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
The Faculty Executive Committee participates in all aspects of shared governance of the campus, and the Chair sits on the Executive Council of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate (En 25 Feb 2014)
There shall be a Medical Education Committee (MEC) consisting of the following 15 voting members: six at-large faculty (representing the pre-clerkship and clerkship components of the curriculum); four medical students (one representing each class year); two pre-clerkship course directors (one each from the year 1 and year 2 curriculum); two clerkship directors (one each from the year 3 and year 4 curriculum); and one curricular thread director. At-large faculty members, approved by the Faculty Executive Committee, shall serve staggered three-year terms with the option of reappointment for one additional term. Course/clerkship/thread directors shall serve one-year terms. Medical student members shall serve for the duration of the class year represented and be selected by medical students. A quorum for MEC meetings shall be eight voting members. In extenuating circumstances when a course/clerkship/thread director cannot attend a meeting, an alternate director may assume the voting role for that meeting. The MEC shall be co-chaired by the executive associate dean for pre-clerkship medical education and associate dean for clinical medical education, both non-voting, ex officio members of the MEC. Additional ex officio, non-voting members are: all senior associate and associate deans with roles in medical education, student affairs, and diversity, equity, and inclusion; four additional medical students (one representing each class year); Chairs of MEC subcommittees; and the remaining course, clerkship and thread directors. All Senate and non-Senate teaching faculty who are not members of the MEC are welcome and encouraged to attend and have the privilege of the floor, but do not vote. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014) (Am 13 Oct 2016)(Am 24 May 22)(Am 5 Dec 23)
The duty of this Committee is to take action on all matters pertaining to the educational policy and curriculum of the UCR School of Medicine and to report to the Faculty Executive Committee for information or to resolve difficult problems or on matters that must be presented to the full Faculty (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014) (Am 13 Oct 2016)

OVERVIEW: The Admissions Committee is a standing committee of the UCR SOM. It is subject to the Bylaws and Regulations of the Academic Senate of the University of California.

MEMBERSHIP: The AC shall consist of the Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs (ex officio, voting), a Chair, and a minimum of twenty-five (25) additional faculty members drawn from members of the Academic Senate and non-Senate Faculty, appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) in consultation with the Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs (SADSA). All appointed members have the right to vote whether members of the Academic Senate or not. Members will be appointed annually to serve July 1 through June 30, with no term limits. Members who do not fulfill their required duties will not be renewed. Vacancies may be filled at any point during the admissions season with approval of the FEC. The AC should be open and inclusive, encouraging a diverse membership across race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, socioeconomic status/background, veteran status, and professional title (including rank, specialty type, degree type, and institutional role. There shall be an Executive Admissions Committee (EAC) composed of a minimum of Academic Senate Received 7/25/22 Final to Division December 2022 three persons including the SADSA, the Chair of Admissions and one other admissions committee member.

TRAINING: AC members are required to review all applicants holistically (considering not only academic metrics but also the applicants’ personal attributes, distance traveled, service and commitment to underserved populations) and to engage in required training to effectuate their duties. Members are required to complete, at a minimum, an annual training on Unconscious Bias as it pertains to medical school admissions.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITES: The AC shall evaluate the credentials of applicants for admission to the School of Medicine, including the Haider* and Early Assurance** pool as well the Conditional Admit*** pool and retains authority for final decisions. The EAC may adapt and amend admissions policies and procedures pending FEC approval. The EAC adjudicates policy interpretations and/or exceptions. The EAC may bring conflicts to the larger committee at the request of the chair. In addition, the EAC is responsible for the vetting of all interviewers and volunteers for the admissions process. The EAC shall provide an annual report to the FEC of admissions outcomes, member participation, conflict of interests and any other relevant updates. All votes from the AC and EAC are confidential, and all information related to applications, applicants, and any related decisions learned and/or discussed during the admission process shall remain confidential. AC members may not serve as interviewers. In extenuating circumstances, they are permitted to fill in but must recuse themselves from the candidate’s discussion and vote. The final decision on admission for all applicants is retained by the AC until the first day of attendance. There are no appeals.

ATTENDANCE: AC members may not vote in absentia. Committee members are required to attend their assigned meetings over the course of the season (minimum set by the EAC each season). Members may, on rare occasions and for extenuating circumstances, participate in the meeting via phone call or video conference. This is at the discretion of the chair. Members not meeting attendance requirements may have their appointment to the committee rescinded by the EAC. A quorum for the AC meeting shall include at least seven members of the faculty. The EAC shall review all data available from the admissions process and submit to the FEC the final roster of admitted applicants to the School of Medicine. The FEC shall provide oversight and integration of all phases of the Committee processes, and develop policies necessary to govern the process, including School of Medicine admissions criteria.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: AC members and all individuals participating in the admissions and recruitment process are required annually to disclose any conflicts of interest (COI). The COI process is managed by the EAC. Any individual participating in the admissions process with a relative (family member) applying will be required to recuse themselves for the entire application cycle. COI disclosures will be submitted annually to the Compliance Office and the FEC as a point of policy.

(Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)(Am 6 Dec 22)

Function:The duty of the Admissions Committee (AC) is to screen and evaluate applicants and make the final decisions for admission of students into the UCR School of Medicine. This Committee shall also report to the Faculty Executive Committee for information and/or to resolve difficult problems.

(Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 13 Oct 2016) (Am 6 Dec 22)
There shall be a Medical School Progress and Promotions Committee appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee composed of at least six (6) members drawn from Senate or non-Senate Faculty plus a Chair. This committee shall include representatives of both Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Sciences Faculty. The Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education serves as an ex officio, non-voting member of this committee. Members shall be appointed annually, with no term limit. All appointed members have the right to vote whether members of the Academic Senate or not. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014) (Am 13 Oct 2016)
The duty of the Progress and Promotions Committee is to inform to the Faculty Executive Committee of the promotion of medical students from the first year to the second year, from the second year to the third year, and from the third year to the fourth year, as well as students eligible for graduation. The Progress and Promotions Committee shall determine whether students are making satisfactory progress or shall be required to repeat courses, remediate deficiencies, or be dismissed from the School with consultation from Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education. (Am 21 Feb 2012)(Am 13 October 2016)(Am 21 May 2024)
There shall be a Graduate Advisory Committee consisting of two Senate Graduate Advisors and three Senate faculty members. One Graduate Advisor will be responsible for recruitment and admission of graduate students and the other Graduate Advisor will be responsible for enrolled student affairs. All Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program faculty members in good standing are eligible for service on the Graduate Advisory Committee. Graduate Advisors and other members of the committee are appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee in consultation with the Chair of the Division of Biomedical Sciences. Appointments are made annually, with no term limit. The Faculty Executive Committee will also nominate the Graduate Program Director. This nomination shall be communicated to the Dean of the Graduate Division who consults with Senior Administration in the School before forwarding a nomination to the EVC/Provost. One or other of the Graduate Program Advisors may also serve as Graduate Program Director. The duty of the Graduate Program Director is to represent the Program within the School, as well as on campus. All appointed members have the right to vote whether members of the Academic Senate or not. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
The duty of the Graduate Advisory Committee is to advise the Faculty of the School of Medicine on matters pertaining to Ph.D., M.D.-Ph.D. and M.S. degree programs. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
There shall be a Volunteer Clinical Appointments and Advancements Committee. The Committee shall consist of five (5) members including a minimum of three (3) Faculty members from the Volunteer Clinical Faculty series and a minimum of one (1) member from the Health Sciences Clinical series. One (1) member shall be designated as Chair. All appointed members have the right to vote whether members of the Academic Senate or not. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014) (Am 13 Oct 2016)
The duty of this Committee is to advise the Faculty of the School of Medicine and the Dean on appointments and advancement of clinical faculty to Volunteer Assistant, Volunteer Associate, and Volunteer Full Clinical Professor levels. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
This Committee is subject to the procedures of Volunteer Clinical Appointments, as outlined in the UCR SOM clinical guidelines. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
Members of this Committee will be appointed annually by the Executive Committee of the School of Medicine with renewable two year terms of service. (Am 21 Feb 2012)
There shall be a Committee on Clinical Appointments and Advancements. The Committee shall consist of a Chair and at least four (4) Faculty members, Senate or non-Senate. All appointed members have the right to vote whether members of the Academic Senate or not. (En 25 Feb 2014)(Am 13 Oct 2016)
The charge of this committee is to advise the Faculty of the School of Medicine, the Dean, and the Provost on appointments and advancements of non-Senate Clinical faculty to the ranks of Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant, Clinical Associate, and Clinical Professor. (En 25 Feb 2014)
This committee shall be subject to the procedures of Clinical Appointments as outlined in the UCR SOM Clinical guidelines, and subsequent procedural changes shall be approved by the Clinical Appointments and Advancements and Faculty Executive Committees and Dean. (En 25 Feb 2014)
Members of the Committee shall be appointed with staggered starts and a three year term, by the Faculty Executive Committee in consultation with the Dean of the School of Medicine. (En 25 Feb 2014) (Am 13 Oct 2016)