The Faculty of the School of Medicine at the University of California, Riverside consists of (a) the President of the University; (b) the Chancellor; (c) the Executive Vice Chancellor; (d) the Dean of the School of Medicine; (e) all members of the Academic Senate who are members of the School of Medicine; (f) other Senate members as may be specified by the bylaws of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate;(g) Non-Senate faculty members of the School in the Health Sciences Clinical Professor, Adjunct Professor, Research Professor, Project Scientist, Lecturer, Academic Coordinator, and Volunteer Clinical Professor series. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
For aspects of shared governance that are the responsibility of the Academic Senate as defined in Regents Standing Order 105, only voting members of the Academic Senate are eligible to vote and to be counted toward a quorum in general meetings of the Faculty of the School of Medicine. However, all persons with academic appointments in the School of Medicine may attend meetings of the Faculty and have the privilege of the floor. These non-senate faculty members may vote on matters discussed in all faculty meetings, but their votes will be recorded as “advisory,” and kept separate from the votes recorded from Academic Senate members. All members of Standing Committees (see below) and any ad hoc committees appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee, unless otherwise indicated by these bylaws, may vote on questions that will be referred to the Faculty Executive Committee for approval, and on questions that will be referred for final Academic Senate action to another Academic Senate agency. Voting rights are extended to Faculty who are non-members of the Academic Senate to the fullest degree permitted by legislative ruling 12.75 of the Academic Senate of the University, which states that “Only members of the Academic Senate may vote in Senate Agencies when those agencies are taking final action on any matter for the Academic Senate, or givingadvice to University Officers or other non-Senate agencies in the name of the Senate. Persons other than Senate members may be given the right to vote on other questions, such as those that involve only recommendations to other Senate agencies, but only by explicit bylaw provisions.” (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)