
Standards of Scholarship and Disqualification

Standards of Scholarship and Disqualification. Graduate students are expected to prove themselves worthy of the privilege of advanced study and research offered at the university by making acceptable progress towards degree objectives and maintaining the standards of scholarship established by the Graduate Council. Acceptable progress includes, but is not limited to:
  1. Completing courses with letter grades of "C-" or better or "S". Only these grades and higher may count toward satisfying graduate degree requirements
  2. Completing course work and other degree requirements in a timely manner. In order to support timely progress, students may take courses outside of their required course work only with approval of the Graduate Advisor
  3. Applying to graduate and completing the academic program once all degree requirements are met

    1. Students are considered to be making unacceptable progress and become subject to dismissal when:
      1. Cumulative grade point average falls below the required level of 3.0 at any time or
      2. Quarterly GPA in two consecutive terms fall below 3.0, even if the cumulative GPA remains above 3.0 or
      3. Fail to make progress in research for two consecutive quarters resulting in NC grades in research units or
      4. Program requirements such as exams or research are not fulfilled in a timely or satisfactory manner or
      5. Fail to pass critical exams (including comprehensive or qualifying exams) in two attempts or
      6. Does not have a faculty advisor to supervise research in accordance with the standard of practice in the student's program or
      7. PhD students not advanced to candidacy by their 15th quarter or any student not having completed all degree requirements within one year beyond normative time

      After consultation with the appropriate department or graduate group, the Dean of the Graduate Division will notify students who become subject to dismissal of actions taken. (AM 21 May 19)