Privilege and Tenure (P&T)

Description: The Academic Senate Committee on Privilege and Tenure is guided by the UC system-wide Senate Bylaws 334-337. The Committee deals with three distinct categories of cases: grievance cases (SBL 335), where a member of the Senate claims injury through the violation of his/her rights and privileges; disciplinary cases (SBL 336), where a member of the Senate is accused of having violated the Faculty Code of Conduct; and early termination cases (SBL 337), where a Senate or non-Senate faculty member challenges whether there is good cause for his/her early termination.

Committee Analyst:

Veronica Quesada

Additional Information & Resources
See Committee Links
Committee Membership
Louis Santiago, Botany and Plant Sciences

Jang-ting Guo, Economics
Kambiz Vafai, Mechanical Engineering
Peter Chung, Area of Finance
Megan L. Robbins, Psychology
Jennifer B. Doyle, English
Brandon Brown, Clinical Sciences

Ex Officios: