
Rules and Jurisdiction

This committee consists of three members, one of whom is the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division. The Chair may also serve on the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. (Am 22 Oct 73)
It is the duty of this committee to:
Prepare and report to the Division such changes and additions to the bylaws and regulations of the Division as may seem advisable;
Review legislation submitted for adoption by the Division to determine whether such legislation conflicts with the bylaws and regulations of the Academic Senate;
Advise the Division on the scope of its jurisdiction and that of the Academic Senate as a whole;
Recommend to the Division such changes in its organization as seem desirable;
Make editorial and nonsubstantive changes in the bylaws and regulations with regard to numbering, headings, cross references, organizational titles and details of style, reporting all such changes to the organizations directly concerned, and publishing them in the call for the next meeting of the Division;
Edit and publish, at such intervals as may seem necessary, the Manual of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate, which shall consist of the bylaws and regulations of the Division, such appendices as the Division shall direct to be included, and the bylaws and regulations of faculties and councils directly responsible to the Division;
To hear, upon petition of no fewer than five members of the Division, challenges to any action of a divisional committee alleged to be contrary to the Code of the Academic Senate or to the Manual of the Riverside Division [except for challenges to findings on the merits in a particular case by a Committee on Privilege and Tenure]. Prior to reporting its findings, the Committee should give the parties to the case an opportunity to present their views, either orally or in writing; (En 10 Nov 94)
To respond to informal requests from members, officers, or committees of the Division for information regarding the Code of the Academic Senate or the legislation of the Division, summarizing all such correspondence in the annual report. (En 10 Nov 94)