Graduate Division

Table of Contents

General Provisions
General Provisions
Preparation for Higher Degrees and Certificates
Preparation for Higher Degrees and Certificates. A prospective candidate for any higher degree or certificate must hold a Bachelor's Degree from one of the colleges or schools of the University or from another recognized institution, based upon a curriculum that includes adequate preparation for advanced study in his/her major field. If a prospective candidate's undergraduate program is found to be deficient in any serious respect in its breadth of fundamental training or as a foundation for the work proposed, he/she will be required to make up the deficiencies.
Standards of Scholarship and Disqualification
Standards of Scholarship and Disqualification. Graduate students are expected to prove themselves worthy of the privilege of advanced study and research offered at the university by making acceptable progress towards degree objectives and maintaining the standards of scholarship established by the Graduate Council. Acceptable progress includes, but is not limited to:
  1. Completing courses with letter grades of "C-" or better or "S". Only these grades and higher may count toward satisfying graduate degree requirements
  2. Completing course work and other degree requirements in a timely manner. In order to support timely progress, students may take courses outside of their required course work only with approval of the Graduate Advisor
  3. Applying to graduate and completing the academic program once all degree requirements are met

    1. Students are considered to be making unacceptable progress and become subject to dismissal when:
      1. Cumulative grade point average falls below the required level of 3.0 at any time or
      2. Quarterly GPA in two consecutive terms fall below 3.0, even if the cumulative GPA remains above 3.0 or
      3. Fail to make progress in research for two consecutive quarters resulting in NC grades in research units or
      4. Program requirements such as exams or research are not fulfilled in a timely or satisfactory manner or
      5. Fail to pass critical exams (including comprehensive or qualifying exams) in two attempts or
      6. Does not have a faculty advisor to supervise research in accordance with the standard of practice in the student's program or
      7. PhD students not advanced to candidacy by their 15th quarter or any student not having completed all degree requirements within one year beyond normative time

      After consultation with the appropriate department or graduate group, the Dean of the Graduate Division will notify students who become subject to dismissal of actions taken. (AM 21 May 19)
Departmental or Graduate Group Rules and Requirements for Higher Degrees and Certificates
Departmental or Graduate Group Rules and Requirements for Higher Degrees and Certificates. Subject to such provisions as appear elsewhere in these and University regulations, each department or graduate group may adopt additional rules and requirements for higher degrees and certificates; such additional rules and requirements are subject to review by and the advice of the Graduate Council.
Credit by Examination
Credit by Examination
A student who wishes to have the privilege of examination for degree credit must be in residence and not on academic probation.
A student may take examinations for credit toward the Master's Degree in any University course for which he would get credit by taking the course by normal attendance, except that he may not secure credit by examination in graduate seminar and research courses.
Petition for credit by examination (available in the office of the registrar) should be approved in advance of the undertaking of the work. The approval of the departmental graduate adviser, the Dean of the Graduate Division, and the instructor who is appointed to give the examination, are necessary before the examination may be given.
The credit earned by examination may be applied toward the unit requirement for the Master's Degree but cannot be used to reduce the minimum residence requirement.
Study List Regulations (En 24 Nov 70)
Study List Regulations (En 24 Nov 70)
A study list is a student's choice of courses to be pursued in any quarter.
At the beginning of each quarter every student is required to file with the Graduate Division his/her detailed study list bearing the approval of the graduate adviser.
A student is expected to make normal progress toward his/her credential or Degree objective. The maximum number of quarters in which students may be considered to be full-time is: 8 quarters for elementary and secondary credential students, 10 for special credential students, 7 for Master's students, 9 for M.F.A. students, and 20 for Ph.D. students.
After the study list is filed, a student may request changes in courses by formal petition.
A change in the study list must be approved by the graduate adviser and, in the case of a course to be added or dropped, by the instructor concerned.
Courses may be added to the study list until the end of the third week of instruction. No course may be added after that time without approval of the Graduate Dean.
Courses may be dropped at any time prior to the end of the fifth week of instruction. If the adviser or instructor withholds approval of a petition to drop a course, the student may appeal to the Graduate Dean.
With approval of the Graduate Dean, students may withdraw from the University at any time prior to the end of instruction.
Any changes in a student's study list not covered by the above regulations must have the approval of the Graduate Dean.
In order to take a course in Directed Studies (290), a student must complete a petition stating the content of the course, the number of units, and the reason he/she needs to take such a course. The petition must have the written approval of the instructor and of the department Chair or graduate adviser, and it must then be filed with the office of the Dean of the Graduate Division. (En 7 Apr 72)
Professional Development Requirement for Graduate Students (En 29 Nov. 2011)
Professional Development Requirement for Graduate Students (En 29 Nov. 2011)
Professional development training is required for all MS, MA, MFA, MPP, and Ph.D. programs. Such training is ideally designed to help students achieve mastery of some core competencies including communication (e.g., writing and publishing, presentation skills, networking); academic development (e.g., skill building in teaching and mentoring, grant writing); leadership and professionalism (e.g., abilities in research/scholarship, professional ethics, and inclusiveness); and career development (e.g., strategies for success in graduate school and the profession, maintaining work/life balance, time management, and career and job market guidance). This list is not meant to be exhaustive or prescriptive, but rather to reflect the range of skills our students need to be successful. Each program determines the format, content, and extent of its training in order to make it specific to, and appropriate for, the discipline. Training must be for unit credit and may be delivered as a single course or as portions of multiple courses. The courses must be listed in the catalogue and clearly noted as serving to meet the professional development requirement. (En 29 Nov. 2011)(29 May 2018)
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts or Master of Science, and Master of Administration (Am 12 Jun 73)
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts or Master of Science, and Master of Administration (Am 12 Jun 73)
Plans. A graduate student must pursue one of the following plans for fulfillment of the requirements for the Master's Degree at the option of the department or graduate group of his/her field. With the approval of the Graduate Council, a department or graduate group may adopt one or the other or both of the plans. Under either plan all requirements for the degree must normally be satisfied within a calendar year from the time of completion of the course requirements.
Plan I: Thesis Plan. A minimum of 36 quarter units of graduate and upper division undergraduate courses in or related to the major subject area are required. At least 24 of the 36 units must be in graduate courses taken at this University; of these a maximum of 12 may be in the graduate research for the thesis. The preparation and presentation of an acceptable thesis is required for every candidate for the degree. Provided that these general requirements are met, the student is subject to his/her major department's or group's guidance in the distribution of his/her work among the departments. In addition, the major department or group may require any examination which it deems necessary to test the candidate's knowledge of his/her field.
Plan II: Comprehensive Examination Plan. A minimum of 36 quarter units of graduate and upper division undergraduate courses in or related to the major subject area are required. At least 18 units must be in graduate courses taken at this University, of which none may be in graduate research for the thesis or dissertation. Provided that these general requirements are met, the student is subject to his/her major department's or group's guidance in the distribution of his/her work among the departments. A comprehensive final examination, to be of such nature and to be conducted in such manner as determined by the department or group concerned, is required of every candidate for the degree.
Residence Requirements
Residence Requirements. The minimum required period of residence in the University is one academic year (3 quarters) of which two quarters must normally be spent at the University of California, Riverside. It is not always possible, however, to complete subject requirements within the minimum period of residence. A candidate for a higher degree is regarded as a student in residence in a regular term only if he/she is actually attending authorized University exercises amounting to at least one upper division or graduate course of four units or more; or four units of upper division and/or graduate work; or, in a six-week summer session, to at least two units of similar work for half a term's residence. In addition, up to 8 quarter units (or two courses if less than 8 units) of credit may be allowed for work taken elsewhere in graduate status in an institution of high standing, but these units cannot be used to reduce the minimum residence requirement or minimum requirement in graduate courses taken at this University. (Am 24 Jan 74)
Foreign Language Requirement
Foreign Language Requirement. Each department or graduate group shall determine whether or not a reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages shall form an integral part of the student's preparation for the Master's Degree. Satisfaction of a foreign language requirement shall be demonstrated, subject to approval of the department or graduate group, under one of the following options: (a) written examination administered by the department or graduate group; (b) Educational Testing Service Graduate School Foreign Language Test; (c) satisfactory completion of a course at a specified level. Evidence of satisfaction of the requirement will be provided to the Dean of the Graduate Division for each student where appropriate.
Scholarship Requirements
Scholarship Requirements. Only courses in which the student is assigned grades A, B, C, or S are counted in satisfaction of the requirements for the Master's Degree. Furthermore, the student must maintain an average of at least three grade points per unit in all upper division undergraduate and graduate courses related to his/her Master's program and elected during his/her residence as a graduate student. In the case of a student who has made a distinguished record during the final year of residence, this requirement may be waived by the Graduate Council. (Am 23 Jan 75)
Advancement to Candidacy
Advancement to Candidacy. Applications for advancement to candidacy must be made through the Dean of the Graduate Division with the recommendation of the department or group concerned and must contain a statement of the studies upon which the application is based. Application for advancement to candidacy shall be made at the beginning of the term in which it is expected that the course requirements for the degree will be completed.
Thesis Requirements
Thesis Requirements
The thesis under Plan I is a report of an original investigation of a defined problem. The subject of the thesis must be approved by a committee of three members nominated by the department or graduate group of the student's major subject and appointed by the Graduate Council to advise on the program or research for the thesis and to pass finally upon its merits. One member of this committee shall preferably be chosen from a department or graduate group other than that of the major subject. The Chair of the committee is the director of the candidate's research.
The thesis for the Master's Degree must be prepared and presented in the form and manner prescribed by the Graduate Council.
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Fine Arts (En 30 May 72)
Requirements for the Degree of Master of Fine Arts (En 30 May 72)
Program Requirements. A minimum of 54 quarter units of graduate and upper division undergraduate courses in or related to the major subject area are required. At least 18 of the 54 units must be in graduate courses taken at this University. The preparation and presentation of an acceptable creative project, the nature of which is to be determined by the Graduate Council on the recommendation of the major department or group, is required of every candidate for the degree. Provided that these general requirements are met, the student is subject to his/her major department's or group's guidance in the distribution of his/her work among the departments. In addition, the major department or group may require any examination which it deems necessary to test the candidate's knowledge of his field.
Other Requirements. The regulations pertaining to the degree of Master of Arts or Master of Science in regard to requirements for residence, foreign language, scholarship, and advancement to candidacy shall apply to this degree.
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Residence Requirement
Residence Requirement. The minimum residence requirement for the Ph.D. degree is two years, one of which must be spent in continuous residence at the University of California, Riverside. Graduates of the University or other approved candidates may complete a part of their residence requirement elsewhere, subject to the approval of the Graduate Council. However, no graduate student may be recommended for the Ph.D. degree except upon completing at least one year of residence at the University of California, Riverside, devoted to such a course of study as the Graduate Council regards as a proper year's work. (AM Feb 22)
Foreign Language Requirement
Foreign Language Requirement. Each department or graduate program shall determine whether or not a reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages shall form an integral part of the student's preparation for the doctoral degree. Satisfaction of a foreign language requirement shall be demonstrated, subject to approval of the department or graduate program, under one of the following options: (a) written or oral examination administered by the department or graduate program; (b) foreign Language placement exam or assessment conducted by an accredited organization; (c) satisfactory completion of a language course(s) at a specified level. (d) alternative language certifcation identified by the graduate program and approved by the Graduate Council. Evidence of satisfaction of the requirement will be provided to the Dean of the Graduate Division for each student where appropriate. (Am 11 Dec 69)(Am 11 Feb 22)
Program of Study
Program of Study. The student's program of study must be approved by the Graduate Council, embrace a field of investigation previously approved by the graduate program, and extend over the full period of study. However, recommendation for the degree is based on the attainments of the candidate rather than the duration of study. The field of study chosen by the student may lie in one department, except for essential related subjects, or in a combination of departments.
Written and Oral
Upon the student's satisfactory completion of all preliminary requirements set by the graduate program and the Graduate Council, an Oral Qualifying Exam Committee shall be nominated to the Graduate Council for appointment. This committee consists of not fewer than five members. The Chair and the majority of committee members must be Academic Senate members and part of the student's graduate program. Being a part of a graduate program includes, but is not limited to, cooperating faculty and participants in interdepartmental graduate programs. At least one committee member must not be a part of the same graduate program as the student. The purpose of this "oversight member" is primarily to monitor the fairness of the exam itself. Additionally, the "oversight member" may enhance the scholarship of the student and contribute to the academic benefits of the exam. The "oversight member" must be an Academic Senate member. In the absence of a unanimous decision, 1 no pass vote shall result in a pass of the Oral Qualifying Exam. More than 1 no pass vote will result in a fail.
Before the student is admitted to candidacy, the student must pass a series of qualifying examinations, both written and oral. The written examination is administered by the graduate program. The Oral Qualifying Exam is conducted by the student's approved committee. The Oral Qualifying Exam is not open to the general public, but members of the Academic Senate may attend. Written and oral exam results must be reported to the Graduate Division.
Upon successful completion of the qualifying examinations, the candidate is advanced to candidacy by the Graduate Council after certification by the Dean of the Graduate Division that the formal requirements have been met.
Dissertation Committee and Dissertation Requirements
Dissertation Committee and Dissertation Requirements
A dissertation on a subject chosen by the candidate, bearing on the student's principal study and demonstrating the ability to make independent investigation, is required of every candidate for the degree. In its preparation, the candidate is guided by a dissertation committee, nominated to the Graduate Council for appointment. This committee is composed of not fewer than three members, the majority of whom must be Academic Senate members from the student's graduate program. The principal director of the candidate's research shall be Chair of the committee. The committee guides the candidate in the candidate's research and may conduct a final defense that is open to the general public. (Am 24 May 05)(Am 11 Feb 22)
The dissertation must be prepared and presented in the form and manner prescribed by the Graduate Council. Dissertations are deposited into an open access repository and are freely and openly available to the public (UC-AA-20-0488) (Am 11 Feb 22)
Transfer of Units and Backdating
Transfer of Units and Backdating
Petitions for transferring credit will be considered only when the work is necessary to fulfill degree requirements. Units cannot be transferred from a program from which the student received a degree. All potential transfer work must have been completed with a minimum grade of B. (En 8 June 16)
Transfer from another UC - All potential transfer work must have been completed in graduate standing. Transfer units from another UC may be counted for up to one-half of the total units required for the UCR master's degree. Students receive both units and grade points at UCR for transfer work from another UC.
Transfer from an Outside Institution - All potential transfer work must have been completed in graduate standing. A maximum of 8-quarter units from institutions outside of UC may be counted toward the master's degree at UCR. These units may not be used to reduce the minimum number of graduate level units required (24 units for thesis plan and 18 units for comprehensive exam plan are required) Unit credit only is posted on the UCR transcript, no grades
Transfer from UCR Extension - Students may transfer up to 8-units of UCR Extension concurrent enrollment credit. Students must have taken these units before their enrollment as a graduate student. Matriculated graduate students (including students on Leave of Absence) may not enroll in course work through UCR Extension without the Graduate Dean's approval. Graduate students who withdraw before completing their program objectives may then take courses through UCR Extension, but are required to wait one year before applying those courses to their degrees. Grades from UCR Extension will be recorded on UCR transcripts. If a student transfers 8-units from UCR Extension, they are eligible to transfer an additional 8-units from an outside institution.
Summer Sessions Units - Students may apply summer session course work from another UC campus toward their graduate degree requirements if they have prior approval of their department and the Graduate Dean.
Backdating Units from Undergraduate - UCR graduate students may use, with the approval of their Graduate Advisor, any relevant 200-level course(s) taken during a UCR bachelor's program toward a graduate degree at UCR, excluding any 200-level course(s) approved to count for bachelor's degree, unit, or GPA requirements. Alternatively, the Graduate Advisor may approve waiving degree requirements based on 200-level courses taken as a UCR undergraduate and require the student to complete minimum unit requirements while enrolled in a graduate program. (En 8 June 16)
Certificate of Postdoctoral Study (En 24 Nov 70)
Certificate of Postdoctoral Study (En 24 Nov 70)
Certificate. The Academic Senate authorizes the several schools and colleges and the Graduate Division to issue a certificate of postdoctoral study to persons who have been enrolled as postdoctoral fellows in order to pursue a program of independent study within any research unit or department of the University of California, Riverside. Award of this certificate will not entitle a recipient to claim credit toward any graduate degree.
Requirements for Enrollment as a Postdoctoral Fellow
Requirements for Enrollment as a Postdoctoral Fellow
The applicant must have received a doctoral degree from an institution of high standing, ordinarily within ten years of the date of his/her enrollment.
He/she must meet the qualifications set by research units, departments, schools, or colleges for appointment as a research fellow, postdoctoral trainee, or holder of a title in the research series in a case where that position can be held by an individual truly in a training status. Persons not qualified are visiting scholars with permanent positions at other universities and business executives pursuing special courses in the Graduate School of Management.
Requirements for the Certificate. Satisfactory performance in a proposed program of study and recommendation of the department Chair or head of the research unit with which the postdoctoral fellow was associated.
The form of the certificate of postdoctoral study shall be as follows:
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GRADUATE DIVISION RIVERSIDE Certificate of Postdoctoral Study ______________________________________________________________________ (Name) has satisfactorily engaged in postdoctoral studies in the field(s) of_________________ ________________________________ on the Riverside campus of the University, covering a period of _______months, between the dates of_________and__________ Dated _______________ Dean _________________________________ ___________________ Dept. Chair ___________________ Chancellor