Grading System

Grading System
All courses shall be graded on the basis of A (distinction, indicating exceptional achievement), B (high pass, indicating more than minimal competence but less than exceptional achievement), C (pass, indicating competence), D (marginal pass), or F (fail).
Grade points per unit shall be: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Passing grades A, B, C and D may be modified by plus (+) or minus (-) suffixes. Minus grades carry three-tenths grade point less per unit, and plus grades (excluding A+) carry three-tenths grade point more than the unsuffixed grade. The grade A+ carries 4.0 grade points per unit, the same as for an unsuffixed A; but when A+ is reported it represents extraordinary achievement. (Am 5 May 77)
The grade GD (Grade Delay) shall be entered on the student’s record: a) when administratively the faculty member is not able to assign a grade or b) when disciplinary proceedings are in progress. The GD shall not itself be calculated in any way in the student’s grade-point average. The GD shall be changed to a grade, or an incomplete, only when the Registrar receives a written request from the instructor, or if unavailable, the program chair, to indicate that the student situation has been resolved. Once an instructor has decided to proceed with disciplinary proceedings, he or she will refrain from assigning a course grade for the student. If the course concludes before the charge has been resolved, the instructor will assign a grade GD and indicate as a note that this GD is for a “Pending Charge of Academic Integrity”.(En Feb. 15, 2011)
A grade point average of at least 2.0 is required for graduation in any undergraduate program. A grade point average of at least 3.0 is required for graduation in any graduate program.
A student may add a course up to the end of the second full week of instruction. With the approval of the instructor and advisor, a student may also add a course during the third full week of instruction. (En 5 May 77) (Am 21 Nov 02)
A student may drop a course without prior approval no later than the end of the second full week of instruction. From the third through the sixth full week of instruction, a course may be dropped with the approval of the advisor. Any course drop which would reduce the undergraduate student's academic load to less than 12 units must be approved by the Dean. (En 5 May 77)(Am 26 May 88) (Am 21 Nov 02)
With the approval of their college's Executive Committee, instructors and departments may devise policies that drop students from particular courses up to the end of the second full week of instruction -- if students do not meet attendance requirements approved by the Executive Committee and posted in the Schedule of Classes. (En 21 Nov 02)
A course dropped after the end of the second full week of instruction will remain as a permanent transcript entry showing course number and title, with a transcript symbol of W, signifying withdrawal, entered in the grade column.(En 5 May 77) (Am 21 Nov 02)
A student who has been referred for a pending academic integrity violation may not drop or withdraw from the course to escape the consequences of the misconduct. If a student drops or withdraws from the course prior to the resolution of the case brought to Student Conduct, they will be re-enrolled in the course. Students are encouraged to attend and engage fully in the course during the academic integrity review.(En Feb. 15, 2011)
The final date to petition for conversion from letter grade to S/NC or vice versa will be the end of the eighth week of instruction. (En 5 May 77; Am 25 May 89)
The only exceptions to this grading system are in R1.2, R1.3, R1.4 and R1.5 below. (En 5 May 77)
A student in good standing may undertake courses on an S/NC (satisfactory/no credit) basis subject to the following limitations. The grade S shall be awarded for work satisfactory, that is, work equivalent to a GPA level of 2.0 or higher at the undergraduate level and a GPA level of 3.0 or higher at the graduate level, for unit credit in meeting degree requirements. In the determination of what is "satisfactory" for meeting degree requirements, instructors will take note of R1.1.2 above. Units are assigned for courses graded S, but it has no grade point equivalent and does not enter the grade point average. Neither units nor grade points are assigned for an NC grade; the grade is recorded on the transcript but does not enter the grade point average. (Am 20 Nov 73)
Subject to the approval of the Graduate Council, each department may set conditions regulating the taking of courses by graduate students on an S/NC basis. Except as provided in R1.3.1, each department may decide that some graduate courses be taken on an A, B, C, D, F basis only. It may require that some graduate courses be taken on an S/NC basis only (provided it proves this to be educationally necessary and gains approval through the channels stated in R1.3). The department may also allow a third (residual) category in which a graduate student may elect to take any course on an S/NC basis, provided that the student's advisor consents.
Students enrolled in any undergraduate degree program may receive credit for courses undertaken and graded S on the Riverside campus to a limit of one-third of the total units undertaken and passed on the Riverside campus at the time the degree is awarded. Units completed on another campus of the University by a Riverside undergraduate student enrolled as an intercampus visitor are considered Riverside work for the purposes of this regulation
Courses which are required in, or prerequisite to, the undergraduate student's major subject may be taken on an S/NC basis only on approval of the Chair of the student's department (or other primary instructional unit) in each individual case.
A special student or limited status student may take courses on an S/NC basis at the discretion of the Dean of the school or college in which he is enrolled.
Except as otherwise specified by the Executive Committee of the school or college or division concerned, students may elect to take X or XR300, X400, or 300 series courses on an S/NC basis without reference to the one-third limitation specified in R1.2.2.
Departments may designate graduate or undergraduate courses to be graded only on an S/NC basis, provided that they have the approval of the Executive Committee of the college (and the Graduate Council for graduate courses) and the Committee on Courses and the Division, except as provided in
Courses in the 290 series (290-299) shall be graded S/NC unless approved for A, B, C, D, F grading by the Graduate Council on the recommendation of the department.
Graduate students may not use undergraduate or graduate courses taken on an S/NC basis to complete their master's or PhD degree requirements, unless the course is only offered on an S/NC basis. Exceptions must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate Division. (En 24 Jan 74)(Ed 6 June 16)
The grade I (incomplete) denotes that a student's work was of passing quality but incomplete for good cause. Subject to the provisions of R1.4.2, units are not charged and grade points are not assigned for I grades. The grade I can be replaced as follows:
Subject to time limitations stated in R1.4.2 and upon completion of the required work, as specified by the instructor, the grade I shall be replaced by a grade A to F or S/NC.
When a course graded I has not been successfully completed within one additional quarter, it will be replaced by a grade of F or by NC if the course was undertaken on an S/NC basis. In the case of a graduating senior an I grade will automatically be recorded as an F or NC. Before a grade of I lapses into a grade of F or NC, the appropriate Dean may extend time for successful completion when he considers that circumstances warrant it. (Am 5 May 77)
For a course extending over more than one term, where evaluation of the student's performance is deferred until the end of the final term, provisional grades of IP (in progress) shall be assigned in the intervening terms. Neither units nor grade points shall be assigned for IP grades. The provisional grades shall be replaced by the final grade if the student completes the full sequence. In the event that the full sequence is not completed, the grade IP will be replaced by the grade I and further changes in the student's record will be subject to the conditions of R1.4.
Repetition of courses not authorized by the Committee on Courses to be taken more than once for credit is subject to the following conditions:
A student may repeat only those courses in which a grade of D, F, or NC was received. (Am 5 May 77)
Repetition of a course more than once requires approval by the appropriate Dean in all instances.
Degree credit for a course will be given only once. The grade assigned each time a course is taken shall be permanently recorded on the student's transcript, but only the most recently earned grade shall be computed in the grade point average. (Am 8 Jan 76)
All grades except I and IP become final when they are assigned. No term grade may be revised by reexamination. The only exception to these rules is in R1.7.1, R5.1.6.2, and R5.1.6.3. (Am 5 May 77)
An instructor may approve and report to the registrar a correction of a recorded course grade at any time if clerical or procedural error has been made in assigning, transmitting, or recording the original grade.
No student shall be excused from assigned final examinations, except as provided in R1.8.1 below.
The instructor in charge of an undergraduate course shall be responsible for assigning the final grade in the course. The final grade shall reflect the student's achievement in the course and shall be based upon adequate evaluation of that achievement. The instructor's methods of evaluation must be clearly announced during the progress of the course. Evaluation methods must be of reasonable duration and difficulty and must be in accord with applicable departmental policies. The methods may include a final written examination, a term paper, a final oral examination, a take-home examination, or other evaluation device. If a final written examination is given, it shall not exceed three hours' duration and shall be given only at the times and places annouced in the schedule and directory.
A maximum of 16 units of credit may be obtained through internship courses, with a maximum of 12 units of internship scheduled in a single quarter. Internship course credit is given for academic work related to the experience of the internship, not for the work experience alone. (En 2 Dec 76)
Students who are on academic probation may not enroll in internship courses. (En 27 May 82)